Almost seventy WI members attended the Zoom New Speaker Day held on 18 May 2021.
They were entertained by four interesting speakers on various topics. They were then given the opportunity to vote for the speaker's suitability for inclusion in the on-line WFWI Speaker Listing. Many messages after the event showed that many members really enjoyed the morning.
The next New Speaker Day is Tuesday 27 July 2021 @ 10:30AM where once again we will have four different new speakers. If you have never attended a New Speaker Day why not give it a try? You are sure to enjoy the experience.
Daphne Atkinson, New Speaker Secretary and Chair of Events, hopes it will not be too long before a New Speaker Day can be held in one of our Halls. For the present, we must continue with the Zoom virtual meeting ones. She looks forward to seeing many of you again, if only virtually, at a future event.
Virtual events are so enjoyable to watch in the comfort of your home so why not join other members and sign up for an event! The next event is A Day at the Palace and a Night at the Oscars taking place on Wednesday 2 June 2021 at 10:30am. It is going to be a wonderful talk by Gillian Walnes-Perry MBE of the Anne Frank's Legacy documentary. She recounts her experience at Buckingham Palace and also gives a behind the scenes look at the Hollywood's Academic Awards receiving awards for her work with the documentary. Please contact the WI Office by emailing [email protected] to sign up for this event.
- Submitted by Daphne Atkinson, WFWI New Speaker Secretary, Chair of Events Committee