Remember to sign up for the talk A Policeman's Life Can Be A Very Interesting One! which takes place on Monday 15 March 2021 at 2.30pm to 4.00pm and it's just £5.00 per device for the Zoom virtual talk.
Closing date for registration is Monday 8 March 2021.
It will be a 50 minute talk where Neil Sadler will be sharing with you his experiences after working in the Sussex Police Force for over 30 years. From starting on the beat in sunny Bognor Regis, unexpected people he met on his solo night shifts, to changes in uniform and equipment and the very serious Grand Hotel Brighton Bombing. At the end there will be time for a Questions & Answers Session so put your thinking caps on!
Enquiries to Daphne Atkinson on 01985 217658 or email [email protected].
To register please contact [email protected]
Event: Policeman's Life
WIs please complete the flyer registration (www.wiltshirewi.org.uk/policemans-life) and send total for your WI by cheque:
Payable to Wiltshire Federation of WIs
Send to WI House, 17 Couch Lane, Devizes, SN10 1EB
Cheques will be banked upon receipt.
Email addresses for all devices are required as they will be used to send the Zoom code for the event. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY.
BACS payments
Account Name: Wiltshire Federation of WIs
Sort Code: 52 30 27
Account: 35593962
Zoom codes will be issued after the closing date. If a refund is due for any reason it will be sent accordingly.