An Afternoon of Entertainment was held on Tuesday, 10th August 2021
featuring members of the Army Diversity Engagement Team from Sandhurst.
Daphne Atkinson, Chair of Wiltshire Federation of WIs Events Committee, welcomed members of the Wiltshire Federation, including local WIs, to a special Afternoon of Entertainment, featuring the Army Diversity Engagement Team, from Sandhurst. Attendees enjoyed a very interesting and visual talk entitled Strength in Diversity.
The event was held at the White Horse Country Park, Westbury, where, after the talk, participants enjoyed a superb high tea. Before the event, they had been able to browse stalls showing Aloe Vera products, decorative glass, jewellery and preserves.
There was much enthusiasm in buying tickets for the WI raffle, and also for the Military Charity Raffle, which raised £85.
Closing the event, Daphne thanked everyone for making this first, live event since January 2020, such a success.