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Nordic Walking Wonderful!

There were two WFWI Nordic Walking taster sessions on 14 September 2021, lead by Steve Ellis of Gemini Outdoors, who runs guided and graded walks throughout the year. Pam Loosmore, Vice Chair WFWI went on the morning one, which she thoroughly enjoyed. It seems that everyone else did too, even though it was a bit wet!

Nordic walking is a total body version of walking that can be enjoyed by non-athletes as a health-promoting physical activity. The activity is performed with specially designed walking poles similar to ski poles.

The Federation offers many types of activities for its members. The Nordic walking taster is the latest in the activities and it provided a fun day for a number of brave women to try something new.

Check out the many other events and activities on the WHAT'S ON page of the website. There might be something which inspires you to learn something new. If you have questions or would like to suggest an activity please contact the Federation Secretary by emailing [email protected]

- Photos submitted by Pam Loosmore, WFWI Vice Chair.


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