29 April 2021 from 7pm
Come and join the Board of Trustees for an informal evening of chatting with the WFWI Chair and other Trustees on 29 April 2021.
There is no need to pay anything as it is a free virtual event on Zoom.
Are you interested in finding out more information about the Federation and what it does for your membership?
Have you ever considered being a Federation Trustee and want to know what the job entails?
Do you have a great idea for a Federation-wide fundraiser and you'd like to see if it is possible to carry it out?
Are you eager to do more for the environment with your WI and you're wondering about the WI resolutions?
Do you have a craft workshop idea which you think would work on a Federation level?
or alternatively join using the Zoom video platform with Meeting ID: 838 9562 5096 and Password: 460874
For further information please contact WI House at [email protected]