On Saturday 18 September 2021 New Sarum WI (NSWI) attended Salisbury Transition City's People in the Park event. Susan Luther reports that NSWI were there to promote all the WIs in Wiltshire and they were delighted to be joined by representatives from Amesbury Evening WI and Laverstock WI on the day.
Susan wishes to thank the Wiltshire Federation for their huge support in attending this event. NSWI members were out in force once again - thank you ladies - a great team effort!
The booth was very well attended and they hope to have inspired those visiting to consider becoming a member of one of Wiltshire's many varied WI groups.
If your community has an event and you think it would be a good opportunity to advertise the WI, please contact Wiltshire Federation at WI House ([email protected]) and there are promotional material which are available.
- Submitted by Susan Luther, New Sarum WI