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Bratton WI - Remembrance Poppies

Like most villages around Wiltshire, a full Remembrance Service took place at Bratton this past weekend. Bratton WI President, Linda Goulding managed to get the WI wreath positioned in the middle of all the others during the service, as you can see from the photos.

The weather was good so the service went off without a hitch. Bratton WI Vice President, Jan Jones, took charge of knitting the majority of the poppies and then five of the Bratton members put them on all the railings around the Memorial, one at a time. They will all be removed within a few days.

They also had a wreath on the WI bench but that was from the Royal British Legion Poppy organisation. The bench was presented to the village to mark the WI's 90th year, complete with a plaque!

- Submitted by Linda Golding, President Bratton WI


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