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Poem - The Ghost of WI Past, Present, and Future

Writer's picture: Wiltshire WIWiltshire WI

In the dim and what seems a distant past

We were free to meet and chat “Full blast”

Once a month to the hall we’d go

For W.I. meetings, tea, biscuits, talks and slide shows.

We’d exchange recipes and crafts of all sorts

Swap jigsaws and books and have skills to us taught.

We’ve had walks out together and meals in

Entertained by a choir, fish and chip suppers and

Quizzes to win.

We’ve learnt to knit poppies and photos to take

Sewn green heart bunting and premature baby’s hats we’d make.

Now it’s all gone quietly to sleep,

hibernating from the virus that none of us want to keep

Jane has not had a chance to strut her stuff

But keeps us going through times that are tough.

Barbara drives on boldly with the monthly Newsletter

We can read of updates and past holidays to make us feel better.

To be “Techno savvy” has been a steep curve

Zoom from the sofa we can observe.

Our virtual President puts on a positive spin

By next March the community centre we WILL be back in.

Christmas will come and Christmas will go

We’ll make the best of it and fight the Covid foe.

We will rise from the ashes, be Free of this plight

Sing Jerusalem out loud and “not cease from mental fight”

The W.I. Family is waiting in the wings, for the cue

To break out to challenges and adventures new.

Dance to Bob Marley with rhythm and might

And know that “Every little thing is gonna be alright”

Let’s be thankful for the friends we’ve made and collectively relieve a massive sigh

Go into 2021 and know we’ll get back to our W.I

- Margaret Rees

This poem was written for the Care Packs which were sent out by Lockside WI Chippenham in December. It was well received by Lockside WI and on Facebook so it is being shared here so that more people can enjoy this lovely poem written by Margaret Rees.

- Submitted by Jane Buckle, President of Lockside WI Chippenham


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