On 23 February 2021 WFWI hosted a Show the Love event with Nikki Jones from Avon Needs Trees. Susan Jonas of the WFWI Public Affairs (PA) committee reports on this event and invites you to the next PA event which is the PA Virtual Fairtrade Coffee Morning on 5 March 2021 at 10.30am. Please visit www.wiltshirewi.org.uk/flyer-fairtrade-coffee for more information.
Show the Love 2021 Recap:
In order to avoid catastrophic climate change and loss of biodiversity we need to reduce our carbon emissions and remove some of the existing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The question is, how do we get to net zero by 2050? What can we do in our communities to live more sustainable, less polluting lives?
At the ‘Show the Love Event’, Lucy Stone talked about the recent UK Climate Assembly and the recommendations made by the participants on the ‘Path to Net Zero’. Various different areas of our lives were considered by the Assembly, including - what we eat, how we use the land, heat and energy use in the home and removal of existing carbon dioxide.
She introduced Nikki Jones of Avon Needs Trees (ANT) - a project designed to implement some of these recommendations. The aim is to buy land in the catchment area of the Bristol River Avon to plant trees, conserve ancient forest and increase biodiversity. Trees not only absorb carbon dioxide and sequester carbon in the soil but help to prevent flooding.
Nikki took us through what will happen if we do nothing - pretty horrific - and shared many suggestions about what we can do to improve our lives and save the planet - it is not all doom and gloom! The pandemic has perhaps made us value more our access to green spaces and the mental health benefits of a walk in the wood!
Many questions were asked and ideas sparked - Lucy was able to give feedback about replacing an oil-fired heating system with an air source heat pump. The resolution about ‘Peat bogs’ (which are a valuable carbon ‘sink’) was not chosen for the NFWI Annual Meeting but there is nothing to prevent us from demanding ‘peat-free’ compost at the local garden centre! The National Trust have a plan to plant flowering trees. Some communities are planting orchards and hedgerows. There is much we can do - change is necessary but think of the benefits!
- Submitted by Susan Jonas, WFWI PA Committee and NFWI Climate Ambassador