On 9th April 2020, Sutton Veny Women’s Institute celebrated its 100th birthday and as such is the longest running non-sectarian social organisation in the village.
The inaugural SV WI meeting was held in the Chapel Schoolroom on 20 March 1920 and The Hon Mrs Alexander was elected President. At the first General Meeting there were 46 members and it was attended by the Marchioness of Bath.
Projects undertaken to benefit the community over the years include:
· Longleat Shoe: After the WW1 there was a real shortage of slippers.
· The installation of electric lights in the Chapel Schoolroom and the Church School.
· The Sutton Veny Book, An Appreciation of a Wiltshire Parish: bringing together photos and memories of village life.
· Creating a footpath around the Village Green which was inaugurated in 1970. The SVWI undertook its upkeep and maintenance for many years.
· Sewing afternoons to make the heart shaped cushions for the Salisbury Breast Cancer unit for their patients.
A very special project was required for the Centenary Year. They chose to refurbish the curtains altar cloth in the ANZAC chapel. Pictures of national flowers of the ANZAC’s were chosen for the embroidery.
Annual outings to places of interest open to non-members also.
SVWI's programme for 2020 was curtailed due to the pandemic, however members have kept in touch and have each received ‘Meetings in a Bag’. The contents being, a book token (a review to be sent by email to all members), a book mark to embroider, (they usually hold a craft meeting each year) and a selection of puzzles, sudoku, crosswords and a brain teaser, in lieu of a Quiz Night.
The Federation wishes to congratulate all the members of the Sutton Veny WI a heartfelt congratulations on reaching the centenary milestone and hopes that they will be able to enjoy time with their entire WI soon.